If I add any IP address in maintenance mode, the site becomes visible to everyone. Confirm this BUG ???
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If I add any IP address in maintenance mode, the site becomes visible to everyone. Confirm this BUG ???
Are you telling me that my site is open to everyone right now?
If any IP address is added in maintenance mode, the site becomes available to everyone.
Good morning: I have read this article, and I have checked the github roadmap, but I need to know if there is a full roadmap only withthe date and versión (just to verify next versions , and then check github).
Thanks in advance.Regards
I think you're looking for this: https://github.com/PrestaSh...
I am using ps And the product price is 0 on product list.
But on product details, it's price is not 0.
I found an error. I have a product that is showing online but not on backoffice:
Hello ! Thank you for sharing this issue. Could it be possible to submit a bug report ? https://github.com/PrestaSh...
so can we update from to
What are the requirements/settings needed?
Ps: tried once it crashed
It says at Frontend and Backend: HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error):
maybe this helps? kind regards, Bernd
Hello, I still cannot update from to
Linux #1 SMP Debian 4.19.160-2 (2020-11-28) x86_64
PHP-Version 7.3.19-1~deb10u1, 2048M
max_execution_time 900
MySQL-Version 10.3.27-MariaDB-0+deb10u1
1-click.installer produced a big error file,
but it is impossible to copy it to here.
best regards Bernd
Hi, if you need help with your shop upgrade and you cannot submit a bug report, you might be interested in PrestaShop Company’s support plans https://www.prestashop.com/....
Yes, our PHP Version is at 7.3 (we could change to PHP7.0 if necessary)
Thanks, Bernd
Hi . now i have a problem with multistore Copy Produkt incl. Variant dont works
Hello ! Thank you for sharing this issue. Could it be possible to submit a bug report ? https://github.com/PrestaSh...
Hello. When I update my shop to products in orders are shown in reverse order. This is problem becouse when I download them to an external inventory management, the order is different. I add to cart product 1, then product 2. I make order. When I go to my order i BO i see product 2 on first place, and product 1 on second place. In order cofirmation email order of products is OK.
Could you please open an issue with screenshots on GitHub? This could be investigated if you provide details so it's possible to reproduce.
Thanks for the feedback and the screenshot! can you tell us your setup (linux? windows? apache?) and your upgrade ( to ? or maybe a previous 1.7 version ?)
It would be even better to submit a bug report on github if possible :) https://github.com/PrestaSh...